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FRAMINGHAM – The Gateway Camera Club will feature guest speaker Roman Kurywczak who will be presenting Photographing Birds – from Portraits to Flight on Tuesday, October 6 from 7;30 to 9:30 p.m.
This instructional program represents a fundamental change in the approach today’s bird photographers should take when planning a bird photo shoot, especially when it comes to birds in flight!
Come join professional nature photographer Roman Kurywczak, as he covers everything from gear, to settings, and techniques, while also providing insight on some of the most common mistakes photographers make in this exciting field.
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Gateway Camera Club membership consists of beginner, intermediate and advanced photographers.
The Club’s goals are to share ideas, knowledge and insight; to help improve the skills and abilities of our members and to have some fun while enjoying photography. The Club is very active and we meet on most Tuesdays.
Please check out our website www.gatewaycameraclub.org for more information.
The club is currently meeting only via zoom.
If interested in attending a meeting, please contact us via our E-mail Address: gwinfo@gatewaycameraclub.org


Photo and press release submitted to SOURCE media.