UPDATE: Organizers said they have moved this event to September 6, due to weather reasons
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FRAMINGHAM – On Sunday, Sept. 6, Downtown Framingham, Inc. (DFI) will host a virtual dedication for the Harmony Grove Welcome Arch, which will be hosted at 166 Franklin Street.
The welcome arch is sponsored by business owner Rob Lopez of Exceptional Auto Body along with the Framingham Cultural Council.
The welcome arch will host four pieces of rotating artwork along with a small liberty bell. DFI is collaborating with local leaders, including elected officials, university and college leaders, and school students, among others, to support this public installation.
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Everyone is invited to participate in the virtual event. Submit photos, text, and/or videos of what
Harmony Grove means to you and the City of Framingham at
Three goals of placing the Harmony Grove Welcome Arch at this historical social justice amphitheater
and recreational oasis include
1) creating a place to reflect upon the history of the brave souls who participated in Anti-Slavery and Women’s Suffrage movements
2) stimulating further discussion to help instill liberty and justice for all
3) inspiring people to consider more ways to protect the fragile ecosystem at Farm Pond.

The virtual dedication will take place on the Downtown Framingham, Inc. live Facebook page at
https://www.facebook.com/DowntownFramingham/live/ at 10 a.m. EST on Sunday, May 30, which will
then be uploaded to the Downtown Framingham, Inc. YouTube channel.
Photo and press release courtesy of DFI