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BOSTON – All outdoor athletic fields, courts, and other playing surfaces (basketball, tennis, baseball, football, soccer, skate parks, etc.) can be utilized by the public beginning June 8, under the state’s Phase II re-opening plan.
Athletic fields, courts, and other playing surfaces at parks, reservations and open space managed by municipalities or other organizations for public use is available at the discretion of the city or town it is in and/or the managing organization, however.
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User activities should be consistent with social distancing and group size guidelines.
All visitors are required to wear face covering or mask when they cannot maintain 6 feet of distance between themselves and others, unless they have a medical condition preventing them from doing so.
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Athletic Fields, Courts, and Other Playing Surfaces Guidelines:
- Users should sanitize hands before and after play and not share equipment.
- Users waiting to utilize a section or area of the field should wait outside the field of play until previous users have vacated to ensure proper social distancing.
- Scrimmages, organized games and tournaments are not allowed for contact sports in Phase II, and activities must be limited to no-contact drills and training exercises.
- Contact sports are those where ordinary play puts players into contact or close proximity to one another, and include, without limitation, basketball, football, baseball, soccer, field hockey, and lacrosse.
- Games are permitted during Phase II only for no-contact sports where ordinary play allows for social distancing (e.g., tennis and other racquet sports), but inter-team games or tournaments are not allowed.
- Individuals should not congregate outside the field of play to avoid overcrowding
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Photo by Moments Suspended in Time Photography, used with courtesy of photography Brendon Curtis.