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BOSTON – The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is reporting 675 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, May 28.

Massachusetts now has a total of 94,895 positive coronavirus cases as of today.

There is no cure and no vaccine for COVID-19, at this time.

Massachusetts ranks fourth in the United States behind New York, New Jersey & Illinois for the most positive. New York has more than 355,000 cases.

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The state is reporting 93 deaths.

Since the pandemic began Massachusetts has reported 6,640 COVID-19 or complications from the virus deaths.

The state tested 10,179 individuals in the last 24 hours

As of today, the state has tested more 562,323 individuals.

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Middlesex County has the most positive cases at 20,857.

In comparison, Barnstable County (Cape Cod) has 1,295 cases.

Framingham has the most cases in MetroWest, with more than 1,600 cases

 Marlborough is second, with more 900 cases.

The City of Framingham is also among the top 12 communities with coronavirus cases in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

John Hopkins University is reporting 5.836 million cases worldwide today.

There are 1.712 million cases in the United States, as of 4 p.m. today.

The United States leads the world in Coronavirus cases, followed by Brazil at more than 411,000, with Russia in third.

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The Centers for Disease Control is reporting 100,446 deaths as of noon, May 26, including 1,415 new deaths in the last 24 hours.

The U.S. is leading the world in COVID-19 deaths, with more than 29,500 deaths in New York.

In comparison, the United States has almost 3 times the number of deaths as Italy, recorded at more than 33,000 deaths.

For all SOURCE reports related to the Coronavirus, click here.

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By editor

Susan Petroni is the former editor for SOURCE. She is the founder of the former news site, which as of May 1, 2023, is now a self-publishing community bulletin board. The website no longer has a journalist but a webmaster.