BILLERICA – The Middlesex Sheriff’s Office announced four incarcerated individuals have tested positive for COVID-19 as of April 7.
The individuals were tested Monday after displaying symptoms associated with COVID-19, said the Sheriff’s department.
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All four individuals were medically isolated in the Health Services Unit (HSU) and tested in accordance with our pre-established response plan.
Results of the tests were received Tuesday.
The four cases bring the total number of incarcerated individuals who have tested positive at the Middlesex Jail & House of Correction to six, said the Sheriff’s department.
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The first two individuals who tested positive on March 27 & 28 were roommates who were immediately placed in medical isolation and are expected to complete their quarantine periods this week.
As a result of the new positive tests, movement in and out of an additional housing unit will be limited to only those presently living in the unit and essential staff, said the Sheriff’s office.
Movement in the housing unit where the first two cases came from also remains limited at this time, said the Sheriff’s office.
The Sheriff’s Office also announced today that 13 additional employees have tested positive, bringing the total to 21.
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All those employees who have tested positive are remaining off duty until cleared by medical professionals to return to work.
In an effort to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, the Middlesex Sheriff’s Office has taken a number of steps since the end of February including:
- Enhancing medical screening for new individuals entering the facility beginning on March 4.
- Consulting daily with an infectious disease specialist.
- Suspending in-person visits for family and friends, as well as volunteer services, as of March 13.
- Requiring staff to wear a protective mask for the duration of their shift and providing masks to all incarcerated individuals who request one beginning on April 1.
- Telling symptomatic staff to remain at home and contact their primary care physician (PCP). Any symptomatic staff must be cleared by their medical provider and provide documentation to Human Resources before returning to work.
- Providing equipment for staff entering the facility to take temperature checks beginning on April 3