FRAMINGHAM – As of today, March 23, there are now 14 positive cases of the coronavirus in Framingham.
The city of Framingham announced four additional cases in a press release today.
One of the people who tested positive early on has since recovered, said the City in a press release.
No other information was released by the City of Framingham, on the 14 cases.
There are 646 cases in Massachusetts, and 5 deaths due to the Covid-19, as of Sunday.
As of noon, the centers for Disease Control (CDC) has 33,404 cases and 400 deaths.
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Governor Charlier Baker has said that non-essential businesses must work remotely or close as of noon, Tuesday, March 24.
Essential businesses and services such as grocery stores, pharmacies, and gas stations will remain open.
Services vital to Framingham’s public health and safety – such as police and fire responses and trash collection will continue.
Click here for a list of essential businesses.
A first offense would result in a warning, followed by a $300 fine for a second offense and a $500 fine or prison time for additional offenses, according to the state’s guidelines.
Cities & towns would be responsible for enforcement, said the Governor.
For all SOURCE reports related to the Coronavirus, click here.
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It is important for residents to continue to practice social distancing.
Governor. Baker advised residents to stay-at-home today.
The latest Baker-Polito order advises no more than 10 people in social gatherings.
Framingham Health Director Sam Wong said he would recommend against any size social gatherings.
COVID-19 in Framingham: Information about actions the City and Schools are taking, along with more information on COVID-19 and prevention measures, can be found at www.FraminghamMa.Gov/covid19, which is updated frequently, said the City in its press release.
If there is an urgent update, the City will employ the City’s “Alert
Framingham” system, otherwise known as reverse 911. To sign up for the City’s reverse 911 system, please go here: https://www.smart911.com/