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ASHLAND – Paint, draw, collage, and create a circle of love and kindness, this is the premise behind the 01721 Circle Of Love endeavor.
Inspired by a couple of similar community art projects, a couple of Ashland residents along with the Town of Ashland decided to create the 01721 Circle Of Love project.
This project open to individuals and businesses, is designed to use art as the engine that brings us all together and envelopes Ashland in a Circle Of Love.
The idea is to solicit circles based on the template provided and let folks get wild with their creativity.
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Everyone can participate.
Residents, neighboring towns, their friends and relatives from any part of the world can participate in this initiative and join the 01721 Circle Of Love.
Once the Circle of Love artwork starts coming in, they will be displayed on social media, and in several other places.
Each of these art circles will then be used collectively to create large murals in public spaces like Town Hall, Community Center, School Buildings and much, much, more. Everyone of all ages can participate.
Templates for the circles, samples of completed COL artwork and more information are currently available onthe 01721 Circle Of Love Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/01721circleoflove/).
Starting Monday May 25 2020, templates will also be available at The Corner Spot as well.
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Here is how individuals can participate in this community art project.
❖ Print out the template on thick card stock
❖ Get super creative and paint, draw, collage, and make the circles come alive.
➢ You can use inspirational words, honor your senior graduate or a senior friend, Show off your culture, whatever fancies you.
➢ Make one or many circles. Make it a family activity.
➢ Share the template with your family and friends worldwide and have them send in circles of love to Ashland for our community art project.
❖ Cut out the circle. Make sure you put in your name and address on the back of the circle.
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❖ Once your circles are done, mail them into Town Hall or drop off at the drop box
➢ Mail To: Ashland Town Hall,
Attn: Economic Development Office,
101 Main Street, Ashland MA 01721
➢ Physical templates pick up and drop off will be at The Corner Spot on the side of the shed, 6 Cherry Street, Parking in Town Hall parking lot starting Monday May 25
Businesses are also encouraged to participate in this project.
❖ Businesses are requested to create circles that are at least 2 feet in diameter or larger.
❖ They can decorate and post their Circles Of Love on their storefronts.
❖ Non-storefront businesses are also encouraged to participate.
❖ Businesses can also get creative with where they display their 2-foot circles, whether it is in a reception area, on their front door or on a window.
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