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By Adam Freudberg


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FRAMINGHAM – I vote in each municipal election based on a candidate’s support for education, record of collaboration, and ethics.

For Mayor, I am voting for my friend Charlie Sisitsky. I know Charlie. He will work collaboratively with the Superintendent and School Committee. He’s a proven leader who will be the detail oriented, collaborative, and compassionate Mayor we need to support our community.

As a parent and education policy advocate, I am here to help move our school district forward as part of a larger team. To succeed, a strong partnership with the Mayor is necessary.

Four years ago I voted for the current Mayor Yvonne Spicer. I had high hopes. In 2017, I bought into the platform and the potential that Mayor Spicer ran her campaign on, and have been sadly disappointed ever since. For years I have had a front row seat in the room, and on the Zoom. After seeing problem after avoidable problem, and seeing the school department being treated the way they have, I believe it is time for a change.

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I am not one to typically endorse. In fact, I have never endorsed in a campaign like this. Yet the
need for change compels me to act. And I am not alone. City Councilors, School Committee
Members, State Representatives Jack Patrick Lewis and Maria Robinson, and residents across
our city’s nine districts are also calling for change – shown by September’s Preliminary Election
results with Charlie winning 66-29%. He needs a strong showing one more time!

Here are just a few reasons why. In recent months, the Mayor and the Mayor’s Administration

  • Closed the City’s COVID-19 testing site for three days without telling the school district;
  • The city office that handles procurement and purchasing for all departments (including
    schools) delayed the ordering and delivery of educational materials; and,
  • The Mayor cut the same school department budget she is now campaigning on. For
    example, the 2019 cut took a vote of 10-0 by the City Council (including Charlie
    Sisitsky) to overturn the detrimental decision. Together, with Charlie and so many others,
    we were able to restore the Mayor’s cut which allowed educator, custodian, and food
    service worker contracts to be funded, restored equity across all elementary schools with
    the addition of library staff, and funded required special education and legal compliance
    efforts; and,

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  • This 2019 reduction example was well before the additional six new separate reductions
    made by the Mayor just during the pandemic from March 2020 to present. Each reduction
    has been painful, each negatively impacting our students and educators; and
  • The Mayor submitted a list of projects to Congress in order to seek federal funding. The
    school administration and committee were not consulted – no education projects were
    requested; and,
  • In the late winter and spring, the Mayor did not answer our multiple requests to seek
    vaccines for educators and bus drivers through the state’s process, as Mayors in other
    cities were doing at a time where vaccines were hard to secure; and,

Overall, our schools are at risk of being stagnant if this continues, the economic development
division structure is not working, the only two staffers serving the veterans community resigned together, the water and sewer mismanagement confirmed through an independent audit resulted in the Mayor redirecting education funds, public records are being withheld, and the list unfortunately goes on.

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This long list is plenty to teach me it is time for a change. I feel that it is time for everyone in this city who cares about education and our future to pay attention. And don’t worry, it isn’t all dire. We have a candidate who can help. We have hope.

Charlie Sisitsky is the one who can turn this around:

  • Charlie can lead us all out of the pandemic – Charlie has a plan on Pandemic Recovery
    and Renewal
  • He will support our senior citizens, our veterans, and boost civic engagement – Charlie
    has a plan on Better Government and Civic Engagement, and another for Senior

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  • He will support our schools, recreation, the environment, and invest in government
    services and improvements supporting generations – Charlie has a plan on The
    Environment, and a plan for Education
  • To learn more about Charlie and his plans, visit
    We are at a crossroads in our city when it comes to improving education; managing throughout the pandemic; supporting public health and recovery; and improving transparency, ethics, fiscal responsibility, equity, and strategic planning in Framingham.

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We are at a crossroads in our city when it comes to improving education; managing throughout the pandemic; supporting public health and recovery; and improving transparency, ethics, fiscal responsibility, equity, and strategic planning in Framingham.

I get excited when I think about having Charlie Sisitsky as our next Mayor, working together
with the school district and leading our city on whatever comes next.

Thank you for considering a vote for education by voting for Charlie Sisitsky on November 2nd

Adam Freudberg has served as Chair of the Framingham School Committee since 2018. The
opinions are his own and are not submitted on behalf of the committee.

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By editor

Susan Petroni is the former editor for SOURCE. She is the founder of the former news site, which as of May 1, 2023, is now a self-publishing community bulletin board. The website no longer has a journalist but a webmaster.