By Luke Canavan
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FRAMINGHAM – The RJV Construction Corporation was recently hired as the contractor for the Blackberry Lane sewer station improvements project, which is expected to begin construction some time in May. Weston & Sampson will be acting as the consultant on the project.
The scope of the contract consists of replacing the existing wastewater pump station with a new submersible style pump station to improve the capacity of the sewer system in that neighborhood.
The location for the project is between 1 and 5 Blackberry Lane, near the intersection with Millwood Street.
“This project is being funded by the developer of 175 Millwood Street to accommodate increased waste water flows resulting from that development. An increased capacity station was needed,” said Senior Project Manager Alison Eliot.
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There is an existing dry pit at the location that will be eventually abandoned. In its place, the team will be constructing a valve chamber and an adjacent wet well that will house a submersible pump system. The existing electro cabinet will be removed and a new one will be installed.
“In order to facilitate the construction, we have an existing water main that runs through where the proposed station is located. So temporarily, we are going to remove a section of water main, we’ll bypass it, and then once the station is installed, the water main will be put back,” said Eliot.
“Similar to the water, we have a section of drain that is going to have to be removed so that we can install the new station… To compensate for that, we are going to install new drainage on the opposite side of the road, connecting two existing catch basins, that’s approximately 300 feet,” said Eliot.
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The intended construction hours for the project are going to be 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
During this time, a road closure and detour will be in effect.
However, property access for both residents and emergency vehicles will be maintained.
“Fortunately, we don’t anticipate any water or sewage disruptions,” said Chief Engineer William Sedewitz. “If we do know about any plan work in advance, we will distribute notices, similar for what we did for this meeting… If it is something unforeseen that happens and we can’t quickly address it, then we will also make notifications with information on when we think we can restore things.”
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The contractor is expected to mobilize to the site at some point in May.
The project is predicted to take about four months until the new station is up and running.
Following the construction period, there will also be a quiet period starting in August while they wait for things to settle.
The final paving will then take place and the project will be entirely complete in the Fall of 2021.
Luke Canavan is a spring 2021 SOURCE intern. He is currently a senior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where he studies Communication and English. He is passionate about film, television, writing, and literature, and upon graduation, he hopes to work in the entertainment industry full-time, where he can pursue his love for storytelling.
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