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FRAMINGHAM – The League of Women Voters of Framingham is holding two drive-up voter registration events on Tuesday, September 22, on National Voter Registration Day.
The first will be at St. Tarcisius Church parking lot at 562 Waverly Street from 10 a.m. to noon.
The second will be at the parking lot of the Christa McAuliffe Branch Library, 746 Water Street from 1 to 3 p.m.
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Both of these events will be drive-by registration events. You can drive up and roll down your window. We will hand you a clipboard with a voter registration form and a pen to complete and then stay 6 ft. from you but available to answer any questions you may have. Once the registration form is complete we will take it back from you and the League will turn it into the city clerk.
All participants must wear masks.
“This year is a presidential election year and a very important one for us all to participate in. Your vote is your voice and the strongest tool we have to influence how our government operates. It will take you just 5 minutes to register to vote and that investment of time will allow you to vote either by mail or in person on November 3,” said the League in a press release.
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The deadline for voter registration in order to participate in the November 3rd election is October 24.
Residents can also register to vote on-line at the Secretary of State’s website using the following link:
If you are not yet registered to vote, or if your home address has changed since you last registered to vote, you can update your registration in the drive-thru events.
“Democracy is not a spectator sport! We all need to participate to make democracy work,” said the League.