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MetroWest Medical Center celebrates Men’s Health Month with healthcare screening reminders. It’s important to visit a healthcare provider regularly, even when feeling healthy.

Health screenings are important for all men regardless of age or lifestyle. They are a vital tool to catch and treat potential illnesses before they become serious. Regular health checkups can identify problems in the early stages when treatment is more likely to be successful. Early diagnosis can improve chances of cure or survival and also reduce healthcare costs by preventing the need for more intensive or costly treatments down the road.

Men’s health screenings are a series of tests and assessments that can detect potential issues or diseases. During these tests, your doctor will draw blood or urine samples, check your prostate, and ask questions about lifestyle habits. They will also assess your body composition. By doing so, they can get a clear picture of your overall health condition and determine the best steps to take from there.

Here are some suggested tests and screenings needed to identify risks and catch issues early, or simply to be cleared as “good-to-go”:

Blood Pressure

It should be checked at least once every year. Blood pressure should be checked more often if other health conditions exist such as diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems or overweight, among others.


Men with no known risk factors for coronary heart disease should begin this screening at aged 35. Repeat cholesterol screenings should take place every 5 years for men with normal levels and more often with lifestyle changes such as weight gain or diet, and more often with other conditions.

Colorectal Cancer

Men aged 45 to 75 should be screened, with a variety of tests available. With a family history of colon cancer or polyps, it’s important to get screened, regardless of age.


All adults with no risk factors should be screened starting at age 35 and repeated every 3 years. With other risk factors such as first degree relative with diabetes, overweight or obesity, high blood pressure, a history of heart disease, testing should happen more often.

Lung Cancer

An annual screening with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) is recommended if aged 50 to 80 and have a 20 pack-year smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years.

Prostate Cancer

Men who are between 55 to 75 years of age should talk with their provider about the pros and cons of having prostate cancer screening. Having a family history of prostate cancer (in father or brother) or being African American puts patients at a higher risk.

To schedule a screening at MetroWest Medical Center, please visit