The market opened to record crowds and a record 92 vendor booths and food trucks last week. While rain had been forecasted for the day, we had 100% sunshine and fun all day!
Check out the interactive map for Week #2:
Some of our food trucks switch up this week with Trolley Dogs, Eastleigh Farms ice cream and Shishkaberries joining our regular line up Thee Taco Dude, Boston
Events Kayem BBQ, Velma’s Kettle Corn, Effie Jackson Coffee Cabin and Uncle Joey’s Cannoli. Note: Kona Ice, Super Dough Pizza and Cousin’s Maine Lobster at other locations.
We have more than a half-dozen new vendor booths.
Parking is in many lots with new parking direction signs in place this week. Food trucks 12 noon -7 pm (Shishkaberries is a late arrival a little after 3:30 pm); farmers market vendor booths 3-7 pm.