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Attention everyone! Century Chinese Language School will be hosting an Open House at the Hemenway Building at Framingham State University on Sunday, May 7th, from 1:30-4:00pm. We are a school that have been teaching Chinese to young students for almost 30 years. Our school offers Chinese classes to both students from Chinese families and Chinese as second-language learners at all ages.  At the Open House, visitors may sit-in on all our classes.  In addition, come see the artwork from Chinese culture classes.  New students will receive a discount. Please join us if you can.

大家好! 欢迎5/7下午1:30-4:00参加世纪中文学校的open house。世纪中文学校已经有近三十年历史,位于九号路边的Framingham state university校园内,交通便利、教学环境安全优美。课程包括针对有说中文家庭的学生开设的中文课以及没有中文环境的二外中文, 和丰富多彩的文化课,学生从3岁半到80岁都有,我们提供AP Chinese课程和应试加强班。我们的学生每年AP Chinese考试中取得优异成绩。 学校也提供高中生志愿服务平台为孩子获得总统义工奖为申请大学添彩加分。 欢迎大家扫码了解更多信息。开放日当天可以试任意中文课和文化课,还有国画展览、小礼品、中文水平评估,新家庭还有特别优惠哦。感谢大家关注!烦请各位转发给您需要的朋友,谢谢!