Editor’s Note: SOURCE invited runners from Team Framingham and a couple of other Framingham-based charity teams to participate in a series of Q&As about their training for the 2022 Boston marathon to be held in April this year. If you would like to submit a profile contact editor@framinghamsource.com.
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Hometown: Reading, PA
Marathon Team: TEAM FRAMINGHAM!!
Is this your first marathon? This will be my 4th official marathon.
What is your personal best marathon time? 4:13 (Honolulu Marathon)
Is this your first Boston Marathon? This is my 2nd Boston Marathon.
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Why run Boston? I am running to support a great charity- Hoops and Homework and because I had such an awesome time running in 2019 for Team Framingham. I also got to participate in the 2018 Boston Marathon Relay with other military veterans and active duty members which made me really want to run the whole thing…in better weather of course. The spectators make this run such an amazing experience and help push you along the course so I look forward to that again.
Which charity are you raising money for? Hoops and Homework
Why did you pick that charity? I like that they provide opportunities for young people in communities where after-school programs may not be available.
The activities and programs they provide are much-needed and hopefully my contributions to their organization will allow them to expand into other communities. Herb is such a great individual and cares so much for Hoops and Homework and the runners who are raising money for him. He is the best.
Link to your charity fundraising page:

How did you first get into running? When I was in high school, I found I could not sprint as fast as the bigger kids like my twin brother (he is 5’11”, I am
5’4”), so I got into distance running. After joining the military, I found I liked running longer distances and challenging myself.
Why do you like to run? It is a calming place for me. I also like that each race is different and so you have a different experience each race/training run. I have found over the last few years that I also enjoying motivating other runners during events like the BAA 5K, 10K and Half Marathon while carrying the US flag.
Tell SOURCE something about your training for the marathon: I do not use training plans because I can never stick to them. I do try to join my teammates for the long-run group runs, and they help motivate me to get those in. All other runs are based on just heading out the door and running (or walking) with no planned route. Also, if I am running at Cushing and you see me write hashmarks in chalk on the path it is because I have trouble remembering how many laps I have done.
What is your favorite cross-training activity? Obstacle Course racing or pushups and situps.
Do you prefer to train alone or with others? Why? I like to train with others because it keeps you honest about your training and you get to share stories with
another person which you cannot do when you run by yourself.
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Are you an early morning runner or evening runner? Early morning…that comes from being in the military.
How do you stay motivated when you don’t want to run? I just remember why I am doing this (for my charity) and also I want to set an example for my children that when you commit to something, you have to show up.
Music or no music when running? If music, favorite song? No music normally, but I will put on some 80’s rock when not on streets. I have grown to like ‘Danger Zone’ again due to the recent Top Gun Maverick movie, but no real favorites.
What is your favorite pre-running meal? Coffee and an English muffin with butter or peanut butter.
What is your favorite post-run snack? Chocolate milk and a cheeseburger. Not a healthy snack but good comfort food.
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Tell SOURCE readers something about you that has nothing to do with running: I am a US Army Veteran with 26 years of service.
What shoes will you wear on Marathon day? Probably New Balance 1080’s.
What is your goal for the 2023 Boston Marathon? I set three goals in reverse order:
C) Finish
B) Under 5 hours
A) Under 4 hours
Will you wear anything personal or symbolic the day of the 2023 Boston Marathon? Why? I will carry the names of my military friends who have passed away and also Sean Collier’s name on my bib. I would like to carry the US flag in support of my fellow Veterans and First Responders like I do for the BAA
5K, 10K, and Half
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