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ASHLAND – Ashland Athletic Director Stephen Marks announced he will step down.
“With mixed emotions as I have made the incredibly challenging decision to step down from my position as Athletic Director at the conclusion of the school year,” said marks.
“Serving our community in this role over the last five years has been an absolute privilege and by far the highlight of my professional career. I’d like to send a heartfelt thank you to all of Clocker Nation for your support of all things Ashland; including, but not limited to my own two Jr. Clockers, one at Pittaway and one at Warren,” said Marks in an email to families.
“This decision weighs heavily on me, however a combination of health concerns due to stress and the inability to find an appropriate work/life balance has left me no choice. I must make a change that will provide me with the opportunity to stay healthy and be the best husband and father that I strive to be,” said the Ashland Athletic Director.
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“While I do not currently know what is next for me professionally, it was only right to give the District the time and space needed to find the next leader of our Athletic Program. As I struggled with the many layers and emotions leading up to this decision, the unwavering support from Superintendent Adams, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Caira, Principal St. Coeur, and the School Committee cannot adequately be put into words. We are so fortunate to have such passionate and dedicated leaders in our district,” said Marks.
“I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to have led the Athletic Program here. We have much to be proud of over the last five years and have consistently enhanced our district in a number of ways despite the world throwing us curve balls such as EEE and a pandemic to compete through. Each challenge has also brought on new opportunities that we continue to take advantage of, providing our students with the best and safest possible atmosphere to thrive in. I look forward to finishing out the year strong, and then staying in touch as the biggest fan of Clocker Nation from the stands, as a parent, and an active community member,” said Marks.

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