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WAYLAND– The Wayland Select Board wishes to invite community members to a community forum next month to discuss Mill Creek Residential’s proposed housing development.
It will take place on Monday, March 20, at 7 p.m. in the Town Building large hearing room, 41 Cochituate Road, or online via Zoom here.
The forum will serve as a way to review the proposal and encourage discussion among the proposers, community, town officials
The project, as currently proposed, calls for the construction of 172 units of rental apartments and townhouses on the 3.5-acre, former Whole Foods site at 297-311 Boston Post Road (Route 20).
A minimum of 25% (43 units) would be designated as affordable in perpetuity to families earning 80% of area median income.
The remaining housing units will be rented at market rates.
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Mill Creek Residential has requested that the Select Board enter into a joint application to the Department of Community Development (DHCD) for a Local Initiative Program (LIP). LIP is a state program that provides technical assistance to communities and developers who are working together to create affordable rental housing opportunities. LIP serves as the required subsidy enabling an application for a Project Eligibility Letter (PEL), a prerequisite for filing for a Comprehensive Permit for an affordable housing project. In considering the request to join the LIP, the Select Board would like to understand what the community and land use staff think of the proposal.
The project will be subject to a detailed review by the Wayland Zoning Board of Appeals prior to the issuance of a Comprehensive Permit under Massachusetts Chapter 40B. Agreeing to enter into a LIP arrangement with Mill Creek is not an approval of the development as proposed and does not waive the Select Board or the Zoning Board’s right to review and comment on the proposal.
The Wayland Select Board looks forward to an informative and productive public forum on the merits of this affordable housing project and its consistency with Wayland’s Affordable Housing Production Plan.
For more information on the proposed project, click here.
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In full transparency, the press release was submitted to SOURCE media