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FRAMINGHAM – The Gateway Camera Club will present An Introduction to Street Photography: From Beginner to Advanced Topics with James Maher on October 25 from 7 to 9;30 p.m. via Zoom.
This session will cover a wide range of street photography topics, beginning with an introduction to the genre and progressing through intermediate and advanced topics, said the Club.
“We will cover everything from how to setup and use your camera, to tips and tricks to make street photography easier and more comfortable, to street photography in quiet and suburban areas, and to overall conceptual issues in street photography, such as telling a story and creating a portfolio or project,” said the Club.
Maher has lived in New York for his entire life.
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Like many Manhattanites, he is a terrible driver and cook, but he’s an excellent navigator. He has been practicing the art of street photography since he first picked up a camera, has worked as a portrait, studio, and documentary photographer in New York since 2005, is a certified New York photography tour and workshop guide, and is the author of The New York Photographer’s Travel Guide and The Essentials of Street Photography.
Gateway Camera Club membership consists of beginner, intermediate and advanced photographers. Our goals are to share ideas, knowledge and insight; to help improve the skills and abilities of our members and to have some fun while enjoying photography. The Club is very active and we meet on most Tuesdays. Please check out our website www.gatewaycameraclub.org for more information. The Club is currently meeting only via zoom.
If interested in attending a meeting, please contact us via our E-mail Address: gwinfo@gatewaycameraclub.org
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