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1 Senate President Karen Spilka spoke yesterday at the 495/MetroWest Partnership’s State House Day at Framingham State University.
2. The Christa McAuliffe Library branch will host an hour long lecture on Watergate, 50 years later tonight at 6.
“Fifty years ago this June, five men working indirectly for the Committee to Re-elect President Richard Nixon burglarized the Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate Office Complex. They were caught and eventually connected to the White House. The resulting scandal, cover up, and dramatic fight by the President to keep tape recordings of Oval Office conversations unheard gripped the country, until he was forced to resign in August 1974. Now, political journalist Garrett M. Graff has written a riveting account of the entire scandal. With access to new documents and the perspective of a half century, Graff’s account is the fullest yet of the Watergate era. Dr. Huibregtse will discuss the book and the impact that Watergate has had on the US over the last half century. Jon Huibregtse earned his BA in Journalism from the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire and worked as a newspaper reporter for two years before returning to UWEC to complete an MA in History. He earned his Ph.D. in American history from the University of Akron. He has been teaching at Framingham State since 1997 where he teaches American and East Asian history classes. His publications include a book entitled, American Railroad Labor and the Genesis of the New Deal several articles and many book reviews. He is currently working on a biography of Massachusetts Senator David Walsh. In 2020, Jon was awarded the University’s Distinguished Faculty Award for Service for his more than 2 decades of service to the University including 8 years as Chair of the History Department and 3 years as Director of the Center for Learning, Teaching, Scholarship and Services, known on campus as CELTSS,” posted the library.
The lecture is in person and via Zoom – Register: http://bit.ly/FPL-Events
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3. CITY OF FRAMINGHAM meetings (all remote unless noted):
- Framingham City Council: Ordinance & Rules Subcommittee at 6 p.m.
- Framingham Police Advisory Committee at 7 p.m.
- Framingham Planning Board at 7 p.m.
5. SOURCE still has a couple of openings for interns this summer. Must be high school or college age. It is unpaid or for credit. Photography, video, or journalism. If interested email editor@Framinghamsource.com