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1 Tonight, weather permitting, is Keefe Technical High School’s graduation.
Ceremony is scheduled for 5 p.m. at the Warren Center in Ashland.
Framingham High’s graduation is scheduled for Friday night, June 3 at Bowditch Field.
2. Saint Bridget School will hold its grade 8 graduation tonight at 7 in the church.
3. The Christa McAuliffe Library Branch is holding a spark lab pop-up at McAuliffe from 3 to 5 p.n. The focus today is on modeling dough. The science event is for ages 8 and older.
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4. CITY OF FRAMINGHAM meetings (all remote unless noted):
- Framingham Planning Board at 7 p.m.
- Framingham City Council Finance Subcommittee at 7 p.m.
5. June is National LGBTQIA+ Pride Month. The City of Framingham will raise the pride flag in a ceremony on Saturday, June 4.
The Framingham Public Library will hold a 21+ Pride after party.
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