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NATICK – The Natick Police Department posted it is seeking police officers to transfer into their “civil service” department.
The Town of Natick, with a population of 36,229, is seeking experienced Police Officers for lateral transfer to our police department.
The Natick Police Department operates under our core mission statement where we work in partnership with our community where service will be our commitment Honor and Integrity our Mandate.
The Natick Police Department has an authorized full-time sworn compliment of 60 officers.
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“We are a Civil Service Department, therefore only permanent civil service police officers from Massachusetts are eligible for transfer under provisions of Chapter 31, Section 35 of Massachusetts General Laws. Applicants must have satisfactorily completes a prescribed course of study approved by the Municipal Police Training Committee or have a permanent waiver,” noted the positing.
All candidates applying for transfer will be required to successfully completed a comprehensive background investigation, medical examination and psychological examination.
For copy of current Collective Bargaining Agreement for Natick Police Patrol Officers MassCop Local 496 go to: www.natickma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/9070/Patrol-Officers-FY18-FY21
To Apply submit a letter of intent, and a current resume to:
James G. Hicks, Chief of Police
Natick Police Department
20 East Central Street
Natick, MA 01760