[broadstreet zone=”59946″]
ASHLAND – The Town of Ashland will begin its curbside yard waste collection this week.
Please be sure to have your yard waste at the curbside by 7 a.m. on the collection day.
Waste Management will be collecting yard waste at the curbside (Mondays ONLY) beginning on Monday, 4/4/2022 for 8 consecutive weeks (with the exception of Patriot’s Day/Marathon Monday, 4/18/2022, and Memorial Day Monday, 5/30/2026).
The last day of collection will be on Monday, 6/6/2022.
[broadstreet zone=”58610″]
This is a yard waste collection (grass clippings, pine needles, pine cones, leaves….rake-able materials).
Do not leave brush and tree limbs at curbside for collection….they will not be taken.
Yard waste should be within brown paper leaf bags or trash barrels clearly marked as “YARD WASTE” and should not exceed 50 pounds each in weight.
Please be sure to have your yard waste at the curbside by 7 a.m. on the collection day.
This service is provided only to residents that are enrolled in the Town’s contracted curbside rubbish & recycling collection program.
Questions? Call 508-532-7943 or email dmiller@ashlandmass.com