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FRAMINGHAM – It’s spring, so it is also the start of construction season.
Road work will resume at the intersection of Edgell Road, Edmands Road, and Water Street in Nobscot Center in the City of Framingham on Monday, March 28.
Work will be weekdays from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and traffic impacts will be moderate most days, and significant at times.
Scope of the work includes:
- Relocating overhead wires
- Removal of old utility poles
- Installation of street lighting and traffic signals
- Removal of the existing traffic signal
- Roadway widening
- Curb and sidewalk installation
- And finally paving.
The overall $5.9 million 2-year project consists of:
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- Improved geometric roadway layout, including a:
- Widened intersection
- Designated left turn only lane on Edmands Road
- Designated right turn/through lane on Edmands Road
- Improved operations for vehicles by adjusting traffic control device timings to be compliant with MassDOT guidance.
Improved pedestrian accommodations by ensuring pedestrian phase timings are compliant with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
Sidewalks will be brought into ADA Compliance. The new intersection will include brick accent strips, street lighting, and ornamental traffic signals.

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