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FRAMINGHAM – The Framingham Public School district is collaborating with Learning Alliances to provide workshops for parents and guardians.
the first workshop is tonight at 7 via Zoom.
Structure, Expectations, and Incentives:
Learning to follow directions is a skill that is useful in many areas of education. Children need to practice following directions at home to help them excel in school. Understanding the development of personalities and behavior principles will help family members work with their child to establish rules and procedures that affect the home. During this workshop, strategies on effective consequences will be shared as family members work on establishing rules and expectations to implement at home.
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Join Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84720843042?pwd=K1hTZDhWR3hNenF3WVoxN3JPRDdGZz09
Meeting ID: 865 9694 6674
Passcode: LAFAMILY