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FRAMINGHAM – Keefe Technical High School announced the death of one of its students today, December 23.
“Keefe Tech is heartbroken over the recent death of one of our students. Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers go out to his family and friends, and the entire community,” said Superintendent Jonathan Evans in an email to families.
The student was a freshman at the regional technical high school.
Editor’s Note: The school did not release his name. The news outlet is also not releasing the name.
“This loss is sure to raise many emotions, concerns, and questions for our entire school, especially our students. Students were made aware of this loss through classroom notifications, and counselors were on hand during the day to support students in need,” said Supt. Evans.
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Today was the last day of classes, before the winter break. Students will not return to the classroom until Monday, January 3.
“Keefe Tech has a Crisis Intervention Team made up of professionals trained to help with the needs of students, parents, and school personnel at difficult times such as this. At our school, we have counselors available for any student who may need or want help, or any type of assistance surrounding this loss. We encourage parents to also feel free to use these resources,” wrote Principal Snow.
“A list of outside resources available to students, families and staff are included below. We are also partnering with Community Impact in Milford, MA to provide additional support to our school community and have sessions in place during winter break, as well as when we return to school in January. Community Impact has a broad range of mental health services and experience in working with schools and organizations in response to a traumatic event. Specific information has been shared with our school community about these efforts,” wrote Supt. Evans.
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SOURCE is publishing the resources below, as well.
Emergency Services and Crisis Hotlines – 24/7 support
Advocates Psychological Emergency Services (PES) 800-640-5432 – If you are experiencing a mental health or emotional crisis, call to speak to an Advocates crisis clinician.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 800-273-8255 Free and confidential support for people in crisis
- Spanish Language: 1-866-628-9454
Samaritans Suicide Helpline – 877.870.4673 – samaritanshope.org – Call, text, or chat support

Hopeline Crisis/Suicide Hotline – 800.784.2433 – hopeline.com – Call or online chat support.
National Crisis Text Line – text 741741 on your cell phone
Jeff’s Place Children’s Bereavement Center- call, 508-879-2800 jeffsplacemetrowest.org
Riverside Trauma Team- (Milford & Norwood) 781-433-0672
Additional Resources for Teachers:
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