In full transparency, the following press release and photos were submitted to SOURCE from The Learning Center for the Deaf.
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FRAMINGHAM – Marie Philip School (MPS) at The Learning Center for the Deaf (TLC) has received a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to purchase Eureka Math, which offers comprehensive curriculum tools and professional development to support student learning.
Chrisann Papera, Middle School Mathematics Co-Chair at MPS, was the champion behind the efforts to request the grant to support TLC students.
Eureka Math is the most widely-used K-5 math curriculum in the United States, and was recently approved by DESE as a core mathematics curriculum to accelerate student learning in Grades K–12 during the 2021–2022 school year.
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The grant provides TLC with access to Eureka Math In Sync (a continuous learning platform); Equip and Affirm (digital assessment programs), and Digital Suite (digital knowledge recovery and acceleration platform), which support comprehensive mathematics instruction for all grade levels.
Eureka Math also provides professional development training for educators that is a balance of study, experiential learning, analysis, and practice, and sets participants up for success in leading a newer implementation of the Eureka Math curriculum in their districts and schools.
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Independent reviewers, including, have given Eureka Math high scores for alignment with standards and usability in the classroom. Eureka Math has also earned exemplary reviews given by the Massachusetts DESE project CUrriculum RAtings by TEachers (CURATE).
As part of the initiative to provide additional opportunities to support students’ academic success, DESE selected vendors to provide specific services in schools across the Commonwealth, including core math curriculums. Vendors provide schools and districts with access to the mathematics program and components, professional learning to support teachers’ implementation of the program, and provide relevant data and evidence of student progress and growth in mathematics.
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Eureka Math is owned by Great Minds, a Prekindergarten through Grade 12 curricula creator headquartered in Washington, D.C. A group of education leaders founded the organization in 2007 to define and encourage content-rich, comprehensive education for all schoolchildren. Eureka Math was released in 2013.