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FRAMINGHAM – The City of Framingham is advertising for a Director of Public Works.
The position was posted this month, after Blake Lukis announced he was resigning.
The salary range is $134,105 to $165,500.
The DPW Director “directs, plans, and manages all work related to all Department of Public Works activities. This role establishes department goals, objectives, and work plans. The Director oversees the planning, design, construction and maintenance of a major division of the City including all elements of the public infrastructure roadway network, wastewater collection, water supply and distribution systems, surface and subsurface storm water collection systems, the Department’s public facilities, the transportation, bridge, and culvert systems, and the City’s street lighting, traffic signals, and fire alarm systems,” noted the job posting.
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Essential Functions: Develops and oversees all plans for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, cleaning
and repair of the city’s critical infrastructure relating to roadway, sidewalk, traffic systems,
water and sewer utilities, motor vehicle equipment and storm drainage systems. This
includes pavement management programs, snow and ice control programs, management of
public shade and ornamental trees, the management of solid Waste programs and the
Department’s response to storm related emergencies. Optimizes the use of resources to maintain the City’s Public rights of way (ROW) in a state
of good repair and open to the public for the safe passage of vehicular and pedestrian
traffic. The responsibilities include the development of plans for the rehabilitation of
sidewalks and roadways and the submission of applications for Federal, State and City
funds. Oversees a staff of 175 professional, technical, administrative, and field personnel, engaged
in the design, the management, the maintenance, and the construction of the City’s Critical
Public Infrastructure.
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Oversees the construction and maintenance of storm drainage systems including the annual
cleaning of catch basins, and underground conduits, culverts, ditches and streams. Establishes priorities, reviews plans for reconstruction of the public infrastructure, plans for
its timely repair to minimize the risk of failure and reviews plans and makes final
determinations relative to the expansion of retraction of the existing systems. Responsible for the management of the Public Utility infrastructure of the City consisting of
a water distribution system and a wastewater collection system. The water system includes
more than 250 miles of pipeline, five water tank reservoirs containing nine million gallons of
drinking water, and seven water pumping and booster stations. The wastewater collection
includes 240 miles of pipeline and force mains and 46 sewer pumping stations. Develops and oversees budgets and financial resources and recruits the human resources
required to execute the various seasonal work plans by program in order to enable the
effective operations of the Department within the abbreviated construction season of the
geographic region. This includes the effective application and coordination of personnel,
equipment, contractors and supplies. Plans the procurement and disbursement of materials
and supplies necessary for the operation of the department and reviews the maintenance of
records pursuant to their use and application.
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Leads negotiations of union contracts with bargaining units associated with the
Department’s workforce. Coordinates the maintenance and construction activities with other divisions, City
departments, contractors, consultants, state and federal agencies and the general public. Participates in the development, preparation and presentation of the Department’s annual
operating and capital budgets for review by the Chief Financial Officer, the Mayor, City
Council and City Boards. Develops and monitors the procedures and the administrative
systems to ensure the effective budgetary management of the program. Manages the
procurement of all contracted services for capital construction as well as for material, tools
and automotive equipment. Develops and periodically revises the Department’s planned operational response to
emergency storm events such as snow and ice storms, hurricanes, and flooding. Monitors the operation of the Department including the planning, coordinating, directing,
inspecting, reviewing and reporting on the work of subordinates and contractors engaged in
the performance of Department functions. Completes the performance evaluations of
employees. Oversees the management of the Storm water Infrastructure and plans for its improvement
in accordance with Federal EPA and Massachusetts DEP requirements. Oversees the operation of the City’s Fleet Management Program and the acquisition of
capital outlay equipment used in the provision of the City’s Public Services. Performs similar or related work as required, directed or as situation dictates.
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Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, Business, Public Administration, or related field; Fifteen (15+)
years of progressively responsible experience in municipal public works, Five (5+) of which are
in a senior management position; or any equivalent combination of education, training and
experience. Massachusetts certification as a Public Purchasing Officer within 6 months of
appointment required. Proficiency with computers and Microsoft Office
Works under the general guidance and on behalf of the Mayor through the Chief Operating Officer.
Applicants can apply at www.framinghamma.gov/jobs
The City of Framingham is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer