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Tracey Bryant
Which pronoun do you prefer? She
Occupation: Retired.
Why should voters re-elect you for District 9 City Councilor: I never give up until a job is complete. There’s still so much to be done! Two years goes by so fast, and then there was pandemic interruptus. I had no illusions that two years would be enough to accomplish the lasting change my district needs. I have been a STRONG voice for D9 – making sure our concerns and needs are known and addressed. Our district deserves that. I am effective at doing that.
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Describe the City of Framingham in 3 words diverse (in all ways), bustling, and evolving.
Best thing about District 9 is the people.
District 9 needs more green space, more protection, more respect, and more funding.
Report Card time. What letter grade would you give the Mayor? B+
Should the Mayor be required to attend every City Council meeting? No.
What grade would you give the City Council for second term? C
Participation in government by the City’s 70,000-plus residents is fabulous, adequate, or lacking (pick one)? Fabulous.
City of Framingham did an (amazing, adequate, or poor job) (pick one) when it came to the Coronavirus pandemic. Amazing.
Should City of Framingham municipal employees be required to get a COVID vaccine? (yes or no) Yes.
City of Framingham is on (the right track, spinning its wheels, going backwards) (pick one): the right track.
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Do you support a split tax rate for businesses and homeowners? Yes.
Should City offices close early on Fridays? Only if the offices are open later the other days.
Framingham has (too many, just enough, or not enough affordable housing) (pick one) Framingham does not enough affordable housing, particularly affordable home buying programs.
Do you support in-law apartments in the City of Framingham? Yes, if it is not abused.
District 9 is treated (better, the same, or worse) than the other 8 Districts (yes or no) Currently, the City administration treats District the same. Prior to the Mayor, it was treated worse.
City of Framingham is (ahead of the curve, making progress, or behind its neighboring communities) when it comes to environmental issues. Is making progress.
Crime in District 9 is (worse, the same, or less) than the rest of the City of Framingham. I don’t believe you can isolate crime in one district from crime in the rest of the City; and it depends on the type of crime.
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Framingham Public Schools receive (too little, just the right amount, or too much) funding? The needs of a particular school year and the proposal of how to address said needs is the overarching factor in assessing the adequacy of school funding.
What City Council subcommittee do you wish to serve on? The ones I serve on now. (Ordinances & Rules, Planning & Zoning, Public Health, Safety & Transportation.
The #1 issue I hear from residents in my district about is Health & Safety.
Editor’s Note: Each of the candidates for District 9 were also asked 15 in-depth questions. Ms. Bryant chose not to answer those questions. The question are below.
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QUESTION #1: In your opinion, what is the biggest issue facing District 9? Incumbent: What have you done during this term to work to eliminate that issue? Be specific
Challenger: What will you do – specific steps – to fix the issue?
QUESTION #2: Speeding and traffic are top issues for many residents across all districts. Incumbent: What have you done during this term to work to lessen traffic and speeding issues? Be specific
Challenger: What will you do – specific steps – to fix the traffic & speeding issues?
QUESTION #3: Businesses are still trying to recover from the pandemic.
Incumbent: What have you done to help Framingham-based businesses during the pandemic? What can still be done? Be specific.
Challenger: Explain how you would support businesses as they try to not only survive but thrive in Framingham. Be specific
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Incumbent: Of the votes this term, which recorded vote do you wish you could change? Why?
Challenger: Which vote did the District 9 City Councilor take this term that you would have voted differently on and why?
QUESTION #5: The City Council is the legislative branch of government. It creates laws and rules for the City (known as ordinances).
Incumbent: What ordinance did you file and or pass during this term? What ordinance would you file to improve your district (or city-wide) if elected? Why?
Challenger: You were the District 9 City Councilor between 2018-2020. What ordinance did you file and or pass during that term? What ordinance would you file to improve your district (or city-wide) if elected? Why?
QUESTION #6: The water & sewer enterprise fund is hemorrhaging money according to an independent consultant’s report. What legislation or steps would you put forth to get that fund on firmer financial footing?
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QUESTION #7: The Spicer administration did a survey to see how the City should spend more than $25 million in federal pandemic recovery funds. The survey had less than 500 responses from a community of more than 70,000. What is your #1 priority on how to spend the ARPA funds? Why? And how will you get input from your district’s residents on this issue and other key issues if elected?
QUESTION #8: Do you think the City of Framingham is safe? Why or why not? How will you work with the Mayor and the police department to make sure Framingham all residents enjoy a good quality of life?
QUESTION #9: The City Council is responsible for approving the budget that is submitted by the Mayor. The City Council can not increase a budget under the charter, only decrease it. Which city department is underfunded in your opinion? Why?
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QUESTION #10: Accomplishments & Goals
Incumbent: What is YOUR biggest accomplishments during this term? What 3 things do you want to accomplish in your next term?
Challenger: What was YOUR biggest accomplishments as a Councilor between 2018-2022? What 3 things do you want to accomplish in your next term?
QUESTION #11: The clean up at Mary Dennison Park has yet to start. The clean-up at the former General Chemical site finally began months ago but there is not enough funding to completely clean it up. These environmental justice issues seem to have taken a back seat to the need for more trails by the Spicer administration and even the City Council’s environmental subcommittee. What will you do to make sure these are sites are cleaned up and residents can live in neighborhoods free of toxins?
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QUESTION #12: City Councilors must work collaboratively to get legislation passed and to make changes for the better of the City.
Incumbent: Give an example where you worked with another Councilor to get something changed. Name that Councilor and how you worked together.
Challenger: Give an example where you worked with another Councilor to get something changed between 2018-2020. Name that Councilor and how you worked together.
QUESTION #13: The Mayor and the City Council had a rocky relationship during the Council’s first term. At the start of the second term many of the City Council votes were 6-5 either way, but by the end of this term many of the votes were 8-3 or 9-2 against the Mayor.
Incumbent: Describe your relationship with the current Mayor and talk about how you will work with either mayoral candidate come 2022. What are the keys to a good relationship between the executive and legislative branches of government? What will you do to build that relationship?
Challenger: Describe your relationship with the Mayor during your first term of office and how you will work with the elected mayor if elected City Councilor again? What are the keys to a good relationship between the executive and legislative branches of government? What will you do to build that relationship?
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QUESTION #14: Over the last two years, there have been racist acts, anti-Semitic incidents, and Hate crimes committed in the City of Framingham. How can Framingham be a more welcoming City for all? Describe your experience in being a part of or serving an underrepresented segment of the City. What steps will you take to reduce bias and champion diversity and inclusion in Framingham?
QUESTION #15: How have you helped residents during the pandemic?