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FRAMINGHAM – Framingham High School Drama Company will perform the classic tale of Charlotte’s Web at Eastleigh Farm this weekend.
The working farm is a the perfect set for the E.B. White tale of friendship. During a dress rehearsal a rooster and a goat wandered on to the set, which the actors and actresses performed.
Shows are Saturday at 10:30 a.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. Tickets are $12 and are available at ShowTix4u.com
The drama company is actually performing two different shows this weekend. Wiley and the Hairy Man takes place at the Fuller outdoor amphitheater on Saturday at 3 p.m. and Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
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Framingham High Fine & Performing Arts Director Christopher Brindley said he philosophically is opposed to theatre with masks, due to the coronavirus pandemic, so he opted to do both plays outside.
“So many kids wanted to do theatre coming out of the pandemic,” said Brindley. “So we decided to do two shows!”
The drama company performed Shrek the Musical outside earlier this spring with lights and a stage at the High school. The show was a huge success and not only was it in-person but it was streamed live too.
Both weekend shows have minimal sets and production, but the costumes are fabulous, and Charlotte’s Web, the actors and actresses use puppets to create the classic animals in the tale.
Charlotte’s Web was the first play Brindley every directed.
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“It has a special meaning for me,” said Brindley. “I just love the story.”
“It is a popular tale that people know,” added Brindley.
By Wednesday, more than 300 tickets had already been sold for the two shows.
Brindley said these outdoors shows were a way “to reach out to the community that was different for us.”
Brindley said he went to Eastleigh to ask if the drama company could stage the show at the farm, and the answer was immediately yes!
Eastleigh Farm owner Doug Stephan joined the cast & crew for a photo on Wednesday at the dress rehearsal.
Ticket holders are asked to bring their own chair for the performances. There is no seating.
There will be concessions and Eastleigh Farm will have its ice cream truck operating.
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Olivia Palmer is Wilbur and Hadley Connor is Charlotte in the Framingham High production.
Other cast members include:
Templeton: Diego Castrillo-Vilches
Sheep: Haley Hein
Lamb: Elizabeth St. Louis
Goose: CJ Till
Gander: Kiyan Weiss
Uncle: Joseph McClennan
John Arable: Cameron Norris
Martha Arable: Sarah Spalti
Fern: Emily Spalding
Avery: Luke Poole
Homer Zuckerman: Matthew Schneider
Edith Zuckerman: Rachel Varley
Lurvy: Casey Corcoran
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Announcer: Thomason Carson
Storyteller 1: Janie Harris
Storyteller 2: Joao Vittor Monteiro
Storyteller 3: Mary Sullivan
Storyteller 4: Viv Lee
Storyteller 5: Aubrey Klippenstein
Reporters, Fairgoers, Photographers:
Andrew Austrager
Monty Caruso
Kara Hatalsky
Ryn Noble
Dexter Noggle
Sohli Patrick
Angela Ssekanjako
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Director: Chris Brindley
Assistant Director: Stephanie Henry
Producer: Donna Wresinski
Technical Director: Peter Birren
Costume Design: Brian Simons
Music Composition: Michelle Smith
Puppets and Set for Charlotte’s Web: Do Sets Design
Stage Managers for Wiley and the Hairy Man: Katrina Barrett and Meghan McCluskey
Stage Managers for Charlotte’s Web: Timmy Beverly and Jenna Saxon
Student Assistant Director: Tai Edmond
Assistant Stage Managers/ Crew Heads: Madison Chan and Domenic Scalzi
Student House Manager: Alex Lopez
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Sound Crew
Ethan Cox
Haley Hein
Tessa Krejdovsky
Mia Larios
Alyssa Mackay
Emma Mackay, Sound Crew Chief
Averi McAuliffe
Julia Wilkinson
Jackson Zweil
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Scenic/Props Crew
Esther Abe
Emma Michelle Aka
Isabella Alvarez
Mateo Alonso
Alina Chaparian
Nico Harutunian
Alahna Hogues
Violet Johnson
Emma Lickly
Evelyn MacIver
Daniel Mealy
Livia Putney
Leah Salloway
Tessa Varley
Lucy Wood

Costumes/ Make-Up and Hair Crew
Anna Adams
Cora Allen
Bella Andersen
Natalie Carson
Melanie Cerin
Eva Dillon
Samantha Gee
Ailadis Hernandez
Sophie Macklin
Isabella Medina
Gabi Mills
Jessytracy Namulindwa
Clara Noggle
DeLiecia Quigley
Emma Rothstein
Lena Sakharuk
Lilian Sucich
Talia Salls
Alyssa Witty
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Petroni Media Company photos for SOURCE. High-resolution photos are available for purchase by emailing petronimedia@gmail.com