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FRAMINGHAM – Framingham Public School District Superintendent of Schools Bob Tremblay will be the guest speaker at the next Coburnville-Tripoli Neighborhood Association meeting.
The meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 18 at 7 p.m. at Barbieri Elementary School.
As the meeting is being held at the school, all attendees are asked to wear a face covering or mask.
All in the neighborhood are invited to attend the free meeting.
Also on the agenda to speak is Framingham High Asian Student Association president Gared Wong, a neighborhood resident.
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The purpose of the Coburnville-Tripoli Neighborhoods Association is to strengthen the relationship amongst and between its residents and businesses and advocate on behalf of its residents and businesses with our municipal leaders and officials.
The neighborhoods, located in southwest Framingham, below Route 135 were created by the former Roosevelt and Memorial schools.
Today these two neighborhoods have traditionally been geographically defined as the area in
Framingham from the Ashland border at the Boston and Albany Railroad line along the tracks
behind Waverly Street to the rail spur at Cedar Street onto Claflin Street and turning south onto
Hollis Street continuing along its right side to Waushakum Lake behind Nipmuc Road across the Lake to the Ashland border.
The Association’s Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/Coburnville.Tripoli. It is where you will find news and events about the Association.
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Residents in the Coburnville & Tripoli neighborhoods are encouraged to join the Facebook, group for discussion of neighborhood issues.
The Board still has a few openings.
Anyone with any questions about the Association, should email President Andrea Dunne Adrian at adunne313@gmail.com
Membership is open to anyone who resides or owns property in the two neighborhoods, or who lives within a half mile of the either neighborhood. The CTNA has a close relationship with the Lake Waushakum Association. Membership is $5 annually per person.

Editor’s Note: The publisher/editor of SOURCE serves on the Board as the social committee chair.