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FRAMINGHAM – The City of Framingham today, August 18, announced 77 new COVID-19 cases since last Wednesday, August 11.

The City of Framingham also announced its 251st COVID-19 fatality.

Last week, the City reported 68 new cases. And two weeks ago 40 news cases.

The City of Framingham said it now has 145 active cases up from 103 active cases last week.

In late May, the City said it had more than 1,500 active cases, before SOURCE questioned the City’s numbers.

At the beginning of July, the City reported just 3 new cases.

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The acting Health Director has said the increase in new cases is due to the Delta variant of the coronavirus.

Framingham has had a total of 8,599 coronavirus cases since the pandemic began. Framingham has about 74,500 residents. That means more than 11% of the City has been diagnosed with COVID-19 since the pandemic began in March 2020.

The City now has 75 individuals in quarantine, up from 66.

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The City of Framingham is now reporting 8,203 individuals have recovered from the coronavirus.

Framingham Interim Health Director Alex DePalo told SOURCE “cases are moved into a Recovered status when the individual has completed isolation and is not experiencing any COVID symptoms (including fever without a fever-reducing medication).  Isolation is a minimum of 10 days however it can be longer if symptoms persist or if the individual becomes severely ill.  It is a case by case determination.”

As of April 19, the general public, age 16 and older became eligible for the vaccine. The FDA & the CDC have approved Pfizer’s vaccine for individuals age 12 and older.

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By editor

Susan Petroni is the former editor for SOURCE. She is the founder of the former news site, which as of May 1, 2023, is now a self-publishing community bulletin board. The website no longer has a journalist but a webmaster.