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1 As of yesterday, public meetings reverted back to pre-pandemic rules and must be held in-person, as as per the state’s Open Meeting Law.
But last night, the Massachusetts Senate and House of Representatives reached a tentative compromise bill to extend remote meetings, but it still needs the Goivernor’s signature to become law.
So as of today, all meetings in Framingham still must be in person. For that reason several meetings have been called including the MetroWest Commission on the Status of Women.
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- Framingham EDIC meeting at 7 p.m.
- Framingham Board of Assessors at 5;15 p.m.
- Framingham Conservation Commission at 7 p.m. – Cancelled
According to the Mayor’s public schedule, Mayor Yvonne Spicer has no public events on her schedule.
3. Last night, the Framingham City Council rejected the Mayor’s nominee for Health Director.
4. Today the City of Framingham’s DPW Department is hosting an electronics recycling event.
5. Tonight is the return of the Greater Framingham Running Club’s and the Parks & Recreation Department’s summer track meets at Bowditch Field. They will happen on Wednesday nights.
BONUS:. SOURCE has three interns this summer and has openings for two more interns. If anyone in high school or college is interested in interning in journalism or photography (or video) please email editor@FraminghamSource.com
Check out the work of the three interns thus fare:
Grace Mayer, a Boston College student
Nick Barry, a Westfield State University student
Talia Heisey, a UMass Amherst student