In full transparency, the following is a press release from the City of Framingham, and published as received.

FRAMINGHAM – To encourage the use of reusable bags, the City of Framingham will enact amendments to the Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance (formerly a bylaw) on July 5.
The Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance was first passed in 2018 to eliminate single-use plastic bags with handles provided by retailers and grocery stores in Framingham.
The new bylaw can be read here.
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The Framingham City Council adopted amendments to the Ordinance that were scheduled to become effective on January 1, 2021, to address its weaknesses and further encourage reusable bags.
However, due to challenges associated with the pandemic, the implementation of these changes was delayed until July 5, 2021.
The Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance amendments that will take effect July 5 include:
• Incorporated under the term ‘single-use checkout bag,’ single-use plastic checkout bags will no longer be allowed to be offered at checkout at any retail store or grocery store in Framingham.
• Reusable checkout bags and/or recyclable paper checkout bags will be available for purchase at stores for a fee of no less than $0.10 per bag. The store shall retain fees collected for checkout bags.
• The definition of ‘reusable checkout bags’ has also been updated to ensure bags offered have many reuses.
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Here are some suggestions to make your shopping experience easier:
• Purchase reusable bags and use a reminder to make sure you grab your bags on your way into the store.
• Designate different types of reusable bags for different items, i.e., produce, freezer, meat, dry goods, etc.
• Keep a small reusable bag handy for impulse purchases.

The City Council voted on the measure and the Mayor signed it into law. It took both the City’s legislative and executive branches to update the law.