FRAMINGHAM – The Gateway Camera Club will present “Forests: The Art of Photographing Trees and Woods” by Mark Bowie on Tuesday, June 1 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. via Zoom.
In celebration of the majesty of trees and woodlands, this project examines in-depth the fine art of seeing and photographing these magnificent life forms.
“It is commonly thought that to photograph forests well, one has to make order out of the chaos. That’s true, but there’s so much more to artfully portraying trees,” said presented Mark Bowie, a professional nature photographer, writer and much sought-after public speaker.
“I’ll delve deeply into seeing creative possibilities, composing for visual separation and to accentuate lines, forms, patterns and textures. I’ll offer strategies for photographing deep inside forests, along their edges and from on high, and illustrate the artistic opportunities presented by different weather and lighting conditions, most notably, fog. Good tree and forest imagery is also elevated through artistic processing. I’ll cover effective contrast and color adjustments, image softening techniques, abstract expressionism and amazing black and white conversion — all with the goal of creating moody, atmospheric woodland images that convey the beauty, grace and power of trees,” said Bowie, whose work has been published internationally in books and magazines, on calendars, posters, and greeting cards, and in advertising media.
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Bowie has authored three coffee table books on his native Adirondacks, two e-books on night photography and one on his photographic journey, Finding November.
He has also produced an instructional video, Multiple Exposures for Maximum Landscapes, demonstrating how to shoot and blend images as panoramas, HDR’s, layer masks, focus stacks, and more.
Bowie is a staff instructor for the Adirondack Photography Institute and leads digital and landscape photography workshops. For more on his work visit his website, www.markbowie.com.
Gateway Camera Club membership consists of beginner, intermediate and advanced photographers. Our goals are to share ideas, knowledge and insight; to help improve the skills and abilities of our members and to have some fun while enjoying photography. The Club is very active and we meet on most Tuesdays.
Please check out our website www.gatewaycameraclub.org for more information. We are currently meeting only via zoom. If interested in attending a meeting, please contact us via our E-mail Address: gwinfo@gatewaycameraclub.org
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