FRAMINGHAM – The 28th Annual Conference of the MetroWest Economic Research Center will be virtual in 2021.
The May 19 conference will focus on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Greater MetroWest.
Registration is required for the morning conference, but it is free this year.
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Speakers this year include:
- Adam Kamins, director of Moody’s analytics
- MetroWest Health Foundation’s senior program officer for community engagement Rebecca Gallo
- Natick Mall’s general manager Jennifer Kearney.
The keynote address starts at 8:15 a.m.
The event is moderated by Dave Nordman who is the executive editor of the Worcester T&G, MetroWest daily news, Milford daily News, and the Gardner News.
To register click here.
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The MetroWest Economic Research Center (MERC) at Framingham State University, established in 1991, collects and analyzes data related to economic conditions in several Massachusetts regions including the MetroWest and South Shore Cohesive Commercial Statistical Areas (CCSA) and the Greater Marlborough Region. MERC provides data and analyses on economic issues of vital interest to these regions. MERC analysis has proven critical for regional and town planning as well as for the retention and recruitment of businesses.
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