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1 Firefighters paid a moving tribute to the late Framingham Fire Deputy Chief Brad Smith yesterday at St. Bridget Church. He died on April 1, 2020. His funeral Mass was held yesterday.
2. Framingham High will host the Tigers of Newton North at Bowditch Field for football tonight at 5. Fans are limited to family only. The Framingham High Gridiron Club will live stream the game.
3. This is National Public Library week. The Framingham Public Library’s Brown Bag Learning Series continues today with a session called Let’s Talk Birdie. Presented by Susan Maranhao, the one-hour session begins virtually at noon. To register and receive an invitation to the Zoom session, please go to http://bit.ly/FPL-Events by 9 a.m.
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4. Framingham was still listed as a high risk community for the coronavirus on the Commonwealth’s dashboard yesterday.
5. According to the Mayor’s public schedule, Mayor Yvonne Spicer has no public events today. She was listed as having no public events yesterday, but she did attend the Funeral of the late Deputy Fire Chief yesterday.