In full transparency, the following is a press release submitted to SOURCE media.

MARLBOROUGH – Once again, DCU is proud to sponsor the EVERFI Financial Literacy Bee for a second consecutive year.
The Bee is comprised of a four-part online course and an essay contest, where students will have the opportunity to win up to $10,000 in college scholarships.
This Bee is open to any U.S. or Canadian student (DCU member or non-member) between 13-18 years of age as of April 1, 2021.
Over the course of this two-week challenge, students will explore financial decision-making on four topics: the importance of saving, saving for short-term goals, budgeting for medium-term goals, and investing for long-term goals.
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Once students have completed the four lessons, they are encouraged to submit a short essay to summarize what they learned and how they will apply this new information in their own lives.
Please note that all four lessons and the essay must be completed and submitted to be eligible to win a college scholarship. This Financial Bee is open to both DCU members and nonmembers.
A committee of EVERFI judges will select the winners in mid-May. Entries will be judged based on creativity, the content of the essay, quality of writing, and demonstrated understanding of the financial concepts from the course. All essays must be submitted to EVERFI for judging by no later than April 15, 2021.
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Three winners will receive college scholarships, and their essays will be shared (with written approval) on the EVERFI Financial Bee website and on their affiliates’ websites. Scholarships will be awarded in the form of a 529 College Savings Scholarship.
“We are proud to align with EVERFI, once again, during Financial Literacy Month to provide students with the chance to participate in the National Financial Bee,” said Sean McNair, Vice President of Marketing at DCU. “Our hope is that these fun and engaging modules will help open students’ eyes to the importance of gaining financial knowledge and in turn prepare them for a brighter financial future.”
Throughout the two weeks, students will develop and refine new skills to form a personalized financial decision-making framework that they can apply to their lives, now and into adulthood.
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DCU offers members of all ages a free online version of the EVERFI program, using interactive learning modules on several topics ranging from basic savings education to home ownership and retirement planning.
Since launching its EVERFI program in 2018, DCU has helped over 41,146 members make more informed financial decisions while managing their money.
To learn more about the EVERFI National Financial Bee, visit
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