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BOSTON – The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, announced today, it developed a statewide program to offer in-home vaccinations for homebound individuals who cannot leave their home to get to a vaccination site.
The Baker-Polito Administration program is “for people who cannot leave their home for a vaccine appointment, even with assistance, the Commonwealth has a developed a multi-pronged solution to ensure these individuals are able to get vaccinated in their home.”
The program is for about 25,000 residents across the Commonwealth.
The individuals will receive the Johnson & Johnson one-dose vaccine.
168 local Boards of Health (representing about 40% of the state’s population) will conduct a homebound vaccination program for their community residents, said the Commonwealth.
The City of Framingham has opted out of the state program and will run its own homebound vaccine program, said the Commonwealth.
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While homebound residents of 183 municipalities (representing 60% of MA’s population) will receive vaccines through the statewide service through Commonwealth Care Alliance (CCA), said Health Secretary MaryLou Sudders.
“CCA is honored to lead this critical mission of vaccinating homebound citizens of Massachusetts,” said Christopher D. Palmieri, President and Chief Executive Officer, Commonwealth Care Alliance. “Since our inception, CCA’s approach to care has been rooted in the community to ensure the most appropriate site of care for the individuals we so proudly serve. Over the past few weeks, we have successfully vaccinated hundreds of our own homebound health plan members, and our team is ready to expand this effort across the state and aid the Commonwealth’s vaccination effort in any way we can.”
Eligibility for Massachusetts Homebound Vaccination Program In-home vaccinations are for homebound individuals who are not able to leave their
home to get to a vaccination site, even with assistance. These individuals require either:
- Ambulance or two-person assistance to leave the home, or
- Are not able to leave the home for medical appointments under normal circumstances, or
- Have considerable difficulty and/or require significant support to leave the home for medical appointments.
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Organizations who support individuals who are homebound and may require an in-home vaccination may be referred to the State Homebound Vaccination Central Intake Line, operated by MassOptions, to be screened for appropriateness for an in-home vaccine and connected to resources to schedule a vaccination.
Homebound Vaccination Program Central Intake Line 1-833-983-0485 will be operational Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Homebound Vaccination Program Central Intake Line is available in English and Spanish and will have translators available to support residents in approximately 100 additional languages.
Commonwealth Care Alliance (CCA) is a Massachusetts-based not-for-profit, community-based healthcare organization dedicated to improving care for individuals who are dually eligible for MassHealth (Medicaid) and Medicare with complex medical, behavioral health and social needs, including those with disabilities.