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ASHLAND – The Ashland Board of Health recognized Sergeant Ed Burman on March 16, as the recipient of the annual Mary Mortensen Recognition Award for 2021.
Annually, the Ashland Board of Health honors an Ashland citizen or organization for efforts to enhance public health. This award was named after and honors longtime Ashland Board of Health Member, Mary “Penny” Mortensen. This year, the Board of Health recognized Sergeant Ed Burman.
Board of Health member Chris Daniele personally nominated Sgt. Burman.
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“I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on this insane year. So many people have stepped up to the plate in so many ways, but for me, one individual has gone above and beyond. Ed Burman’s thoughtfulness and skillset in logistical planning kept Ashland on the map,” said Daniele.
Over the past year, Sgt. Burman has spent countless hours helping the Town create and implement plans to ensure compliance to the ever-changing COVID-19 guidelines. This included providing plans, continuity of services, outreach and education to business owners and restaurants so they can maintain COVID-19 compliance. In addition, Sgt. Burman continued providing guidance and information to the schools so they could create a safe environment for students.
Throughout the pandemic, Sgt. Burman obtained necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers, built internal testing capacity for staff and teachers, and oversaw Town-wide contact tracing efforts.

Sgt. Burman monitored local and state trends, and helped communicate new guidelines and protocols as information became available from the Department of Public Health and the Center for Disease Control.
He also helped ensure that the Town was able to safety execute three Town Meetings and several elections.
Most importantly, Sgt. Burman continues to tirelessly advocate for local and regional vaccine distribution.
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In addition to honoring Sgt. Burman with this recognition award the Board of Health took the time to honorably mention all of the members of the Ashland COVID-Task Force, Laura Clifford, the Ashland Public School nurses, and the Ashland Community Center Staff for all their help this year.
The Board of Health also gave a special thank you to the Ashland Police Department for accommodating this reassignment of Sgt. Burman to this important role.
The Board of Health awarded the community organization, Decisions at Every Turn the Mary Mortensen Recognition Award last year in 2020.

In full transparency, the press release and photo were submitted to SOURCE media for publication.