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FRAMINGHAM – Framingham History Center, with the help of its new Scholar-in-Residence, plans to highlight Framingham’s People of Color from 1600 to 1800 in a presentation this month.
Thanks to a recent Scholar-in-Residence project grant from the Sudbury Foundation, Mary McNeil is creating an internal finding aid of the Center’s archives highlighting the stories of Nipmuc, African, and African Americans from 1600-1800.
Join Center Curator Stacen Goldman and McNeil as they discuss McNeil’s progress so far, the discoveries she has made, and what leads she is chasing down to complete her work.
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Framingham’s People of Color from 1600 to 1800 will be a ZOOM presentation on Thursday, February 25 at 7 p.m.
Framingham History Center Scholar-in-Residence McNeil is aPhD Candidate in the American Studies program at Harvard University
Tickets for the program at $5 for members and $10 for not yet members. Framingham Public School staff or students are free.
Ticket sales will end at 6 p.m. on February 25.
If you are a Framingham Public School staff or student, email laura@framinghamhistory.org with the email extension @framingham.k12.ma.us or @fpsed.org to register for free.
To register, visit https://framinghamhistory.org/events/framinghams-people-of-color/
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