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FRAMINGHAM – Open burning season starts today, January 15 in Massachusetts. It will end on May 1.
In Framingham, to obtain an Open Outdoor Burning Permit, you may apply by telephone or online as follows:
- Telephone:Please call 508-532-5942 between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm on each day during which you wish to burn and leave your name, address and telephone number. The contact information left on the message will serve as your permit.
- Online: Please complete the application form below for each day you wish to burn and print it for your records. Please note that permits will not be issued after 1 p.m.
In accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Law, permission will be granted to set a fire for the purpose of disposing of brush, cane, driftwood and forestry debris on a parcel of land situated at your location.
Under all circumstances the following is also PROHIBITED:
- Burning of brush, trees, cane and driftwood from commercial or industrial land clearing operations
- Stacking, placing or storing combustible materials such that DEP may presume it will be burned
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All open burning must be conducted:
- On land closest to the source of the materials to be burned
- At a location greater than 75 feet from any dwelling
- Between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
- During periods of good atmospheric ventilation
- Without causing a nuisance
Someone must be with the fire until it is fully extinguished.
There must be sufficient help present, including an available water supply, such as a pressurized water pump or hose, and shovels or rakes to control the fire.

For permits obtained via telephone, the applicant must call the Fire Department each day for which the permit is valid to confirm that burning will be allowed that day.