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Editor’s Note: SOURCE file Photo. This report has been updated several times since it first posted.


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WASHINGTON DC – Around 1 p.m today, January 6, hundreds of pro-Trump protesters pushed through barriers set up along the perimeter of the Capitol, where they battled with officers in full riot gear. Later, a riot was declared, as protesters gained access inside the building, according to the DC Police Chief.

“Donald Trump is responsible for today’s coup at the Capitol and the attack on our government and democracy. He is a direct threat to our country. He needs to be impeached, removed from office, and barred from ever holding office again,” Tweeted U.S. Senators Ed Markey (D-Massachusetts) after 5:30 p.m.

President Donald J. Trump spoke to the nation via a video Tweet, at 4:17 p.m. The President said the “election ” was stolen from us” and told the protestors “to go home.”

The President said “we have to have peace. … We don’t want anybody hurt.”

The President said it was a “fraudulent election” but we have to have “peace.”

But 3 hours later, and Twitter had suspended the President of the United States’ account.

Around 2:30 p.m., police said demonstrators got into the building and the doors to the House and Senate were being locked.

Shortly after, the House floor was evacuated by police, reported CNN.

“There’s a word for what is happening on the Senate and House floors – it’s called sedition. All these unfounded objections to state electors are seditious. They are nothing short of an insurrection against the established order of the Constitution and our democratic republic,” Tweeted Sen. Edward Markey.

The Massachusetts junior Senator Tweeted at 2:44 p.m. “I and my staff are safe, sheltering in place, and following the guidance and protocols of Capitol Police.”

“Let me be very clear: the scenes of chaos at the Capitol do not represent who we are. What we are seeing is a small number of extremists dedicated to lawlessness. This is not dissent, it’s disorder. It borders on sedition, and it must end. Now,” said President-elect Joseph Biden.

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An armed standoff took place at the House front door as of 3 p.m. and police officers had their guns drawn at someone who is trying to breach it, reported NBC News.

“This is an attack on America.,” Tweeted Congresswoman Katherine Clark. “This dark moment is the culmination of everything Trump has been promoting. Praying for an end of the violence and safety for everyone, and the preservation of our democracy. This must stop.”

“America is so much better than what we’re seeing today,” said President-elect Biden.

The Senate floor was cleared of rioters as of 3:30 p.m. and an officer told CNN that they have successfully squeezed them away from the Senate wing of the building and towards the Rotunda, and they are removing them out of the East and West doors of the Capitol.

“I join with Americans from every corner of the country to condemn the violence unfolding at the Capitol, and President Trump and his supporters must do the same immediately,” said Governor Baker. “The chaos now unfolding is the sad but predictable outcome of weeks of attacks, perpetrated by President Trump and his supporters against the democratic process that makes America the greatest nation on earth, and these baseless challenges to President-elect Biden’s victory must stop.”

“I am horrified by the unprecedented attack on our democratically-elected government in our nation’s capital today. While I am hoping for the safety of the many elected officials, including our Massachusetts delegation, police officers, staff, service workers, journalists, military members and others placed in danger today, I am also calling on those who fomented these riots to condemn the idea that differences in ideology should be settled by violence. This is not who we are, and this must not be who we become,” Tweeted Massachusetts Senate President Karen Spilka.

Rep. Clark issued this statement tonight after 6, “Despite the seditious attempt to overthrow our democracy, we in Congress will fulfill our duty to ensure the will of the people and the integrity of our democracy are upheld. But the next days and weeks remain dangerous. Donald Trump is a traitor to our country and our Constitution. He must be removed from office and prevented from further endangering our country and our people.”

“The horrific violence unfolding at the Capitol is an attack on our democracy and should be condemned without qualification by President Trump and his supporters,” said Lt. Governor Polito. “It is time for all Americans to embrace a peaceful transition of power and move forward to heal our nation.”

“As soon as the Capitol is secure, Congress must cast our votes affirming the results of the Electoral College so that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are sworn in January 20. This is how we respond to this assault on our democracy. By reaffirming it. Democracy will prevail,” Tweeted. Sen. Markey.

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By editor

Susan Petroni is the former editor for SOURCE. She is the founder of the former news site, which as of May 1, 2023, is now a self-publishing community bulletin board. The website no longer has a journalist but a webmaster.