FRAMINGHAM – On Thursday, December 10, Framingham’s newly-sworn in Police Chief Lester Baker will give a presentation entitled “FPD Holiday Community Outreach Programs” at the top of the Police Advisory Committee’s monthly meeting.
The presentation will be an overview of the various holiday outreach programs the Framingham Police Department participates in along with information for Framingham residents who wish to take part in those programs.
Residents are invited to join the 7 p.m. meeting via Zoom.
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The presentation will be recorded and made available via the Police Advisory Committee’s Meeting Portal on the City’s web site.
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/88284653539?pwd=ejBoTS85MzVRUUxBYnZ4TmFtZ1V3Zz09
Meeting ID: 882 8465 3539Passcode: 374531
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Meeting ID: 882 8465 3539Passcode: 374531
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