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FRAMINGHAM – Like everything else in 2020, the annual Curtis Family Thanksgiving will look different this year, due to the coronavirus pandemic
“We will be doing deliveries only,” said Curtis Family Thanksgiving Director of Operations Diane Lynch.
There will be no meals served on Thanksgiving day at Eagles Hall, she said.
Last year, more than 2,000 meals were served on Thanksgiving, and a record 900 were delivered.
“Normally, we do a drop in and we can’t this year,” said Lynch.
“We are looking for people to do deliveries,” said Lynch. “We need to schedule deliveries and driver time slots,”
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Lynch said she has been in touch with the Framingham Housing Authority, the Callahan center, and other senior facilities. She said she heard from the homeless coordinator with the Framingham Public Schools and even heard from people in Ashland and Natick who will need meals on Thanksgiving.
“With the Governor’s order of no more than 10 people inside<‘ we just cant do the annual Thanksgiving dinner and the annual prep party will need to be changed too.
More than a hundred volunteers on Wednesday nights peel about 1,000 pounds of potatoes, peel and cut about 750 pounds of squash, peel and dice about 500 pounds of carrots, chop onions, make stuffing, and scoop cranberry sauce into containers.
“We have to change how we do things this year,” said Lynch, who said she will have small groups do prep in 2020.
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Lynch said shat she really needs help with is drivers to deliver meals on Thanksgiving.
Even how meal deliverers are done on Thanksgving will be different this year, said Lynch.
“I cant have people making the meals this year,” she said.
Drivers will come that day, and meals will be brought out to the vehicle to be delivered.
If you would like to help and be a driver, email curtisthanksgiving@gmail.com