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MARLBOROUGH – The City of Marlborough today, September 21 announced 12 new positive COVID-19 cases since Friday.
The City is reporting a total of 1,175 cases, since the pandemic began.
The City has 37 active cases.
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There have been 69 deaths.
The good news is that 1,069 individuals have recovered from the virus.
The bad news is that the City of Marlborough has increased from 7.1 cases per 100,000 over the last 14 days on Friday to 8.3 cases.
Eight is the threshhold in which a community is deemed a red community or high risk. The state’s new tracking for high-risk communities comes out on Wednesday night, and Marlborough, which has been yellow could move into the red category.

The state announced Marlborough was one of the hardest hit communities for the virus and free testing would be made available for all residents, earlier this summer. The City is part of the state’s Stop the Spread campaign, which means free testing is available for all residents.
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