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FRAMINGHAM – “Mayor Yvonne Spicer will hold a community hour on August 24, at 5 p.m called “Unpacking the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s and Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 Guidance for Schools, Buses, and Community Recovery,” said the City of Framingham in a press release from afternoon.
“Mayor Spicer will be joined by Dr. Sam Wong, Director of the Framingham Public Health Department, to discuss the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s and Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 guidance regarding schools, buses and
community recovery and what it means for the City.,” said the press release by the City’s Public Information Officer.
UPDATED: Superintendent of Schools Bob Tremblay told SOURCE Sunday morning he will join Mayor Spicer & Dr. Wong “for the first 30 minutes of the Community Hour on Tuesday.”
UPDATED: “I confirmed this yesterday with Mayor Spicer while we were on-site at Amazing Things Arts Center for a food and clothing distribution event,” said Tremblay Sunday morning.
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If people cannot attend and have questions, please email kmcfalls@framinghamma.gov with the subject line: August. 24
Community Hour. Click here for information on how to join.
The Community Hour will be available on the Framingham Government Channel and live on Access Framingham TV on RCN
channel 3, RCN HD channel 1100, Verizon channel 43, and Comcast channel 9.
A video recording of the Zoom will be available following for those who cannot attend or watch.

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