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FRAMINGHAM – The site of proposed concrete manufacturing plant is for sale for in Framingham.
The property at 597 Old Connecticut Path is 2.71 acres of commercial land.
The site is big enough for a 20,000 square foot building, and is allowed 6 stories of maximum 120,000 square feet, stated Fafard Real Estate.
The property is located along the westbound side of the Mass Pike, and is accessible off Exit 13 Speen Street. The property has high visibility from from the Mass Pike, too.
In 2005, Paulini Loam LLC sought to construct a concrete manufacturing facility at 597 Old Connecticut Path. “By virtue of a zoning freeze obtained in 2005, the property is governed by the provisions of the General Manufacturing District contained in the Framingham Zoning Bylaw,” argued the applicant.
The applicant was denied by the building inspector and subsequently by the Zoning Board in 2005, and again in 2008.
In December 2005, Framingham Town Meeting voted to rezone three contiguous parcels of land, including the Paulini property, from General Manufacturing to an Office and Professional zoning district.
The applicant sued and in July 2015, the land court ruled in the applicant’s favor. Now the land is for sale.
Since the 1960s, the property has been used for the processing, storage, and distribution of mulch, loam and other landscaping materials.