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1 Ashland-based Boston Bio-Products teamed up with Lloyd’s Diner in Framingham to provide a free lunch to anyone in need. Today is the final day. Meals will be served drive-thru from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
2. May 8, 2020 is National Public Gardens Day.
Always the Friday before Mother’s day the event promotes awareness of botanic gardens, arboreta, zoos, historic gardens, or any of North America’s public gardens. The day was established by the American Public Gardens Association, a Pennsylvania non-profit organization that supports, resources and promotes public gardens in North America.
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3. May 8 is World Ovarian Cancer Awareness Day.
“Established in 2013 by a group of leaders from ovarian cancer advocacy organizations around the world, May 8 – World Ovarian Cancer Day, is the one day of the year we globally raise our voices in solidarity in the fight against ovarian cancer,” according to the World Ovarian Cancer Coalition.
Ovarian cancer is cancer arising from the cells in and around the ovaries and fallopian tubes. It forms when there are abnormalities in normal ovarian cell growth. New cells grow unnecessarily, and old and damaged cells fail to die away, causing a build-up that forms a tumor or growth. Those growths have genetic mutations that cause them to multiply.
“Ovarian cancer is the most lethal of the female cancers,” according to the Coalition. “Most women are diagnosed once the cancer has already spread, making it more difficult to treat. There are often delays in diagnosing the disease, as there is no early detection test, and symptoms are often confused with other, less severe, illnesses. Ovarian cancer is overlooked and underfunded – yet every woman is at risk.”

4. Framingham Public Library is hosting another game time via zoom for middle and high school students.
“Everyone who played the last few times wanted to keep going, so we’re going for round three! By this point, we have a collection of online games big enough to fill many more hours than we have. We’ve got games similar to Werewolf and Codenames (two of my favorite group games!), Agar.io, Gartic.io (like Pictionary), SmashKarts (like Mario Kart battle mode), and more,” posted the library

5. According to the Mayor’s public schedule, Mayor Yvonne Spicer has no public events.
BONUS — Framingham Public Schools are still distributing a free lunch (and breakfast) Monday through Friday at 4 schools from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for all ages 18 and younger.
No forms or registration is required. Parents/guardians can pick up the meals with their children present. We encourage families to practice social distancing and not congregate at the meal pickup locations:
- Cameron Middle School – 215 Elm Street
- Barbieri Elementary School – 100 Dudley Road
- Fuller Middle School – 31 Flagg Drive
- Wilson Elementary School – 169 Leland Street