FRAMINGHAM – Last month, Sustainable Framingham gathered more than 300 signatures and submitted to the Framingham City Council forcing a public hearing on a Go Solar plan for the City.
The hearing is scheduled for tonight, March 31, and now will be held remotely, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The petition asks the Council to create a “permanent citizens advisory committee to be established to help enact public clean energy goals.”
The Petition also requests the City “put solar on our public buildings and parking lots.”
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The petition wants the City to “follow Watertown’s lead for solar on new commercial development.”
And the petition requests the City “follow Newton’s lead in increasing the amount of clean electricity purchased by Framingham residents and businesses via municipal aggregation.”
Mayor Yvonne Spicer in campaigning to be the City’s first mayor in 2017 said if elected she would “create a permanent ‘Greener City Committee’ to continue this work and to make sure Framingham is doing its part to invest in renewable energy and sustainable, smart practices.”
That committee has not been created.
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The Mayor during her campaign said the “committee will be made up of concerned Framingham residents, as well as experts in relevant fields, and we will work across departments to propose initiatives, engage with relevant departments, and educate our community about how we can develop a reputation as one of the greenest communities in Massachusetts.
Sustainable Framingham, formed in 2017, pushed for the City’s first Mayor to hire a Sustainability Coordinator.
Shawn Luz was hired in that position in October of 2018.

To watch and participate in tonight’s virtual public hearing:
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/337828711?pwd=ZHVtYXVuM2hWZHlhdHZpTi83c1RXQT09
Meeting ID: 337 828 711 Password: 519502
One tap mobile +16465588656,,337828711# US (New York)
Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Individuals can send via email to publiccomment@framinghamma.gov with the subject line “City Council Go Solar Petition”, by March 31 at 4 p.m.