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Framingham Public School Superintendent Bob Tremblay sent this out staff tonight. SOURCE received several copies and is publishing for the community


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FRAMINGHAM – I am writing to follow up on recent developments since the Governor’s announcement to close all Massachusetts public schools until May 4, 2020.

While I’m certain that most everyone anticipated an extended closure, the reality that we are out for an additional five weeks has EVERYONE talking about how school will work for the foreseeable future.

As districts across the Commonwealth wrestle with how to conduct school outside of the traditional brick and mortar structure through this entirely remote model, we are now faced with tremendous challenge and incredible opportunity.

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This afternoon the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) issued guidance to districts on Remote Learning during COVID-19 school closures. I have attached the document to this email message for your reference. 

District leaders and the Framingham Teachers Association (FTA) have already been collaborating on next steps, and with this new guidance will be able to formulate a more detailed plan for teaching and learning. 

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Specifically, this articulated plan will address the following: 

  • student engagement in meaningful and productive learning for approximately half the length of a regular school day;
  • learning through a combination of educator directed learning and student self-directed learning;
  • a focus on reinforcing skills already taught this school year and applying and deepening these skills; 
  • maintaining connections between school staff and students;
  • teacher feedback to students; and
  • grading and expectations for students.

Within this plan is a strong commitment to consider equity of access and support for ALL students.

While we recognize that the individual student experience will vary depending on student age, individual and family needs, access and capacity for remote learning (including access to technology and internet), and the ongoing health of students, families, and staff, these variables remain at the forefront of each and every collaborative planning session.

SOURCE is accepting applications for summer internships through May 25, 2020.

This unprecedented time in our life is the perfect springboard for our staff to share their innovations and that is exactly what we have been seeing.

Our administrative team is excited about the work that is being developed by each of you and your teams and we look forward to sharing a structured plan that will be ready to be launched in early April.


I look forward to re-imagining education together with you over these next several weeks! Take good care of yourselves and your families.

Paying attention to your physical and emotional health and setting parameters on how much you work in an environment where home life and school life have become blurred has never been so important. (Note to self: Follow my own advice).

By editor

Susan Petroni is the former editor for SOURCE. She is the founder of the former news site, which as of May 1, 2023, is now a self-publishing community bulletin board. The website no longer has a journalist but a webmaster.