ASHLAND – “There has been a lot of speculation about how many COVID-19 cases we have in Ashland. As of March 20 at 7 a.m., the Town of Ashland has two confirmed cases of COVID-19,” said Ashland Town Manager Michael Herbert in his lastest report to residents.
” I want to express my thoughts and concerns for those individuals and families as they navigate this complex and deadly obstacle,” said Herbert.
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“We are ‘officially’ notified that a person is a confirmed case after it is entered by the MA DPH (Department of Public Health) in their communicable disease database,” explained Herbert.
“Utilizing that information, our public health nurse (Nancy Cleary) reaches out to the individual and does an assessment of where that person may have contracted it, how long they may have had it for, and then receives a list of all close contacts the person had during that period. Our nurse then proceeds to communicate with those close contacts, does an assessment with them, and advises them to self-quarantine,’ explained Herbert.
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“I am asking everyone here in town – if you have been tested (not just confirmed), please let our Health Agent know by calling. It is confidential, and no further action will be necessary at that time, but it will help us greatly to determine future potential demand and capacity issues. If it is confirmed that you have COVID-19 (and I hope that is never the case), we will then take the actions described above,” said Herbert.

“Also, if you are calling 911 for an emergency, please let the dispatcher know if you are exhibiting any cold or flu symptoms. It will not delay our response but helps us take precautions to protect our first responders and the town as a whole,’ said Herbert.